Bootstrap vs Material Design

October 20, 2021

Bootstrap vs Material Design

As a front-end web developer, you must have come across two popular front-end web development frameworks, Bootstrap and Material Design. Both of these frameworks have a vast user base and are incredibly popular. But choosing between the two can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we will provide you with a factual and unbiased comparison between Bootstrap and Material Design to help you choose the best option for your website or application.


Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web development framework that was developed by Twitter. It is currently maintained by a community of developers. Bootstrap focuses on providing a sleek and responsive user interface for web applications. It comes with a robust set of pre-designed components that can be easily customized to your needs.

Bootstrap key features include:

  • A responsive grid system
  • CSS, JavaScript, and HTML components
  • Built-in support for popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery
  • Customizable styles and fonts
  • Large and supportive community

Material Design

Material Design is a front-end web development framework developed and maintained by Google. Material design aims to provide elegant and modern interface design for web applications. It comes with a set of predefined UI components that follow Google's Material Design principles. Material Design utilizes shadows, color schemes, and animations to create a lightweight and responsive user interface.

Material Design key features include:

  • Predefined UI components
  • Support for custom fonts and icons
  • Lightweight and responsive design
  • Built-in animation transitions
  • A wide range of color schemes


Both Bootstrap and Material Design come with a rich set of pre-designed components and offer responsive design for web applications. However, they differ in several key aspects.


Bootstrap has been around for much longer than Material Design. As a result, it has a substantial user base and a larger support community. Bootstrap is universally recognized, with over 22,000 stars on GitHub. On the other hand, Material Design, with over 35,000 stars, is doing great and growing fast.


Bootstrap components can be customized to a great extent, allowing developers to create unique designs. It comes with a wide range of customization options such as custom fonts, colors, and layouts, all of which can be easily modified to the needs of the application. Material Design, on the other hand, does have some customization options like changing the color schemes, but it is less customizable than Bootstrap.


Bootstrap follows a more minimalist design approach, whereas Material Design is based on a more modern design language, which emphasizes shadows, color gradients, and animations. Bootstrap provides a more straightforward design. Material Design makes your application look elegant and modern with its vibrant colors and bold typography, but its looks can become easily outdated for some users.

Learning curve

Bootstrap is famous for its ease of use and quick setup, making it an ideal option for beginner developers. It comes with a comprehensive documentation and helpful examples to help users get started with minimal hassle. Material Design, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, which can be a disadvantage for beginners.


Both Bootstrap and Material Design are excellent front-end web development frameworks, with their distinct advantages and disadvantages. The final choice depends on their applicability and audience preference. If you are looking for a responsive design that works well for a broad range of applications with efficient customization and community support, Bootstrap can be a great choice. If you are aiming for a sophisticated and modern user interface that will help stand out in crowded market places, Material design is perfect for the job.


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